
Published on 23 January 2025 at 17:49

Hello, everybody! I figured I should start by introducing myself, so here we are.

Hi, my name is Jasmine Trow, and I live in a converted school bus traveling around the United States with my parents, four brothers and four cats.
My family started traveling Halloween of 2022, and we have been on the road ever since. One of my favorite parts of getting to travel around the country is getting to try all the amazing food there is to offer. Except, to throw a wrench in those plans just a little bit, my family and I all have fairly extensive food allergies, including gluten/wheat, corn, soy, artificial colors and dairy intolerances.  So, it can be a lot harder to find places to eat, and I am forever grateful to my mom, who finds the most amazing places to eat, and most of the entries in this blog probably wouldn't be here if not for her.

I decided to start a food blog to (a) keep track of all the superbly amazing places to eat around the country, and (b) to share all those places with you, my dear readers, so you can experience all these sublime culinary wonders and (c) to make you hungry.
And if you're wondering, "am I going to have to pay out the nose to eat at the places she's talking about?" And the best part is, the answer to that is NO. There will be some higher end restaurants on this blog, but most will be affordable, but still extremely delicious. 

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me tell you a little more about myself. I am 17 and an extremely avid reader and bookworm, along as an aspiring writer. I love baking and making sweet treats for my family. The more complicated the recipe, the more I want to try to make it.
I love to do anything crafty, crocheting being my current on-and-off obsession. I also own a jewelry business making jewelry inspired by the books I read. 
A lake by the mountains is my favorite place to be, especially if there's a hiking trail with a great view, but I also won't snub snorkeling in a crystal-clear spring in Florida. I have a Taylor Swift obsession that gets a little out of control sometimes, and that my family gets annoyed with a fair amount of the time. I love love love going to concerts, even though I've only been to two (Sabrina Carpenter and Billie Eilish), but that'll hopefully change further along.

I am going to do my best to post consistently every week here, and the weeks I haven't gone to any new places I'll try to make a post about somewhere we've been in the past, before my blogging girl era. 

I hope you all stick around for my journey and enjoy reading!



Jasmine <3

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